Friday, September 16, 2011

Building Overview

The first step in the process for me is to make some templates for the five frames.  I will later need to make a stem, transom, a breasthook, a transom knee, two quarter knees, mounting brackets and a skeg - all from 1/2" (12mm Okoume marine plywood.  I will also need to make a stongback that is 9' long, rubrails, thwarts (seats), floorboards and stringers.  I will also need to skin (8 oz. polyester cloth) and paint the boat.

Back to the frame templates.  The design calls out the Frame Offsets which need to be layed out.  This is my first go at this technique called Lofting so I thought it would be best to use cheap flooring.

Below you can see that I have started to draw out the frames on the plywood flooring template.  Later, I will cut the templates and re-trace them onto the Okoume marine plywood.

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