Sunday, October 2, 2011

Making the Frames

I have been working on the frames for this boat.  The first thing that I did was the layout using the lofting measurements.  I plotted out the points onto both cardboard and 1/8" wood flooring.  Then I cut out the shapes.  I sent a photo off to Dave Gentry ( the designer of the boat) and he made some suggestions so I made the corrections and then cut the templates out on the band saw.
This is the layout of the Stem.
 Here is a finished skeleton of the boat and you can see the frames in their position.

Next, it was time for me to jump into my pickup truck and head to Detroit and buy the Okume Marine Plywood, from Public Lumber.  They are the only ones that I know of in my area that sell this material. can see the templates layout on the Marine plywood.
 Below are all the frames, the stem and transom cut out of the 12mm marine plywood.  I was surprised to get all of these parts out of a 1/2 sheet of plywood.

My brother Joey, came over on Saturday and gave me hand by cutting out all the notches using my mortise drill.

Next step was going to be preparing all the Western Red Cedar for the chine, sheer and stringers but it looks like that will delayed until I can get the wood.  I thought that I had that all set when I found some wood for sale on Craig's list and we made a deal but when the wood arrived is was not, Clear.  The wood was full of knots so I did not buy it.  I think I will call the mill that I used for my last boat and see if they have some in stock.

While I have time, I think I give all the above parts a good coat of epoxy.